Hello, everybody. Allow me to introduce myself. introduce
my full name Rachman Hidayah. my nickname is Rachman. I was born on 2 March
1992, Jakarta. I reside precisely in the area Bekasi wisma melati 1, pondok
melati, Jatiwarna, Bekasi. I was a student at a university in Jakarta. rather I
was a student at the Gunadarma University, Depok. besides that I also worked as
a nutrition consultant from Herbalife. you will get to know me if you're
friends with me. I am very happy to make friends and have a lot of friends. My
hobbies vary, my favorite hobby is drawing animated cartoons and animation
design, but it also is a Hobby I love walks and especially love to eat fast
food (junk food).
My activity every day is learning,
sightseeing, and of course disseminate health information to the community. My
activity when holiday is distributing flyers on the streets. and I most love
when there is success training seminar of herbalife because at that time I felt
very happy.
Oh yeah, because my hobby really
like fast food and love to eat and I exercise lazy obese. at that time my
weight up to 104 kg in 2011.
By having an excellent body fat at
the time and weighed 104 kg, it was agony. activity when the body feels tired
and I became very heavy to carry. It was at that moment I wanted to remove the
body. In addition to rapid fatigue at that time that most feel is very lazy at
all to do all the activities I especially college. Apart from the often tired
and lazy to activities I also often experience migraines that really annoys me,
every head when I felt dizzy and my body often hot, I had nose bleed
(nosebleed). And finally I decided to lose weight. After I replace my breakfast
and my dinner with nutrients flavors of ice cream (chocolate, wild berries,
vanilla) are very tasty consumed by leo messi. My health problems resolved and
total bonus my weight down to 34 kg and in 2012 my weight is 70 kg till now.
other than that I am also so very energetic.
It turned out to be slim is not a
difficult thing, but easy, and very enjoyable.
My dream is to make Indonesia a
healthy state and can be number one and I really like justice.
a long introduction from me, more or
less sincerely apologize
Nice to
meet you, friends
Ayah, 2 anak dewasanya ditangkap di perampokan Bank Texas
Dengan Staf Kawat CNN 18 November, 2012
Keluarga yang merampas bank bersama-sama tetap bersama-sama.Itulah Texas
tenggara berwenang menyatakan tentang seorang ayah, anak laki-laki dan anak
perempuannya, mengikat mereka menjadi sepasang perampokan bank di negara itu
dan mungkin lima orang lainnya di Oregon asli mereka.
Sekarang, seminggu setelah perampokan terjadi, ketiga tersangka berada
di Penjara Bend Fort County.
Dalam siaran pers yang dikeluarkan hari Jumat, Kantor Fort Bend County,
Texas, Sheriff mengidentifikasi ketiganya sebagai 50-tahun Ronald Scott Catt,
20 tahun putranya Hayden Scott Catt dan 18-tahun putrinya Abigail “Abby “Catt.
Italia paling memiliki perampokan bank di Eropa, studi menemukan
Dengan Staf Kawat CNN 1 juli 2010
Roma, Italia (CNN) – Italia memiliki tingkat tertinggi perampokan bank
di Eropa, sebuah penelitian di Italia pekan ini.
Dari 4.150 perampokan bank yang dilaporkan di Eropa pada tahun 2009,
1.744 – atau 42 persen – yang dilakukan di Italia, menurut penelitian, yang
dilakukan oleh pengawas bank yang Osservatorio Italia dan serikat pekerja,
Kota-kota Italia Utara, termasuk Milan dan Turin, melihat jumlah
tertinggi dari perampokan bank, kata studi, yang dirilis Rabu.
Salah satu alasan Italia melihat perampokan begitu banyak likuiditas kas
yang tinggi, katanya.
Tiga perampokan bank di kota Lowa selama Bush, Kerry Berkunjung
6 Agustus 2004
Tiga bank di kota ini dirampok Rabu sementara Presiden Bush dan Partai
Demokrat John Kerry penantang host kampanye terbuka saingannya, kata polisi.
Davenport Polisi Letnan Don Gano mengatakan ketiga perampokan bersenjata
tampaknya telah “terkoordinasi” bertepatan dengan kunjungan kampanye. Bush dan
Kerry mengadakan acara tiga blok terpisah.
Satu orang telah ditangkap sehubungan dengan salah satu holdups, dan
peneliti berusaha untuk menentukan apakah perampokan lainnya yang terhubung.
Tapi Gano mengatakan saksi perampokan lain memberikan deskripsi yang berbeda
dari para pelaku.
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